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Security Astrophysics X Ray Baggage Scanner For screening

Security Astrophysics X Ray Baggage Scanner for screening

The security x ray baggage scanner is a high-resolution, dual-energy x ray imaging system. It is designed to detect and identify potentially dangerous objects, such as weapons, narcotics, and other contraband in your luggage. The security x ray baggage scanner uses two different energy levels to produce two different images of the same object. This dual-energy feature lets you see through clothing and other materials that may appear opaque to lower-energy x rays.

The security x Ray Baggage Scanner also features an automatic conveyor belt that moves the XRay between stations where it can be inspected by TSA agents without having to set up your own conveyor belt or hire another employee to do it for you. The security x ray baggage scanner can handle large volumes of luggage and is less expensive than other systems on the market today because it doesn't use expensive chemicals or radiation sources required by some other technologies.
  • VKZ5535

  • vikingdetector

  • 202301130837

baggage scanner is a screening solution

The security X-ray baggage scanner is a screening solution that allows you to scan your baggage and send the images to your computer. The images will show you what is in your bags, helping you keep track of items that can be dangerous. By scanning all of your luggage, you will be able to avoid any problems when traveling by air.

large tunnel size scanner

This scanner has a large tunnel size and can detect objects as small as 5mm in diameter. It offers high resolution, so you can see what is inside your suitcase with ease. This makes it easy for anyone who wants to check their bags before they fly.

Dual enegery and heigh resolution 

The scanner has dual energy with high resolution. This means that all types of luggage will be scanned accurately without having any issues with false positives or negatives from other machines on the market today due to inconsistent quality control standards between manufacturers who sell these devices at different prices depending upon how many features are included in the unit itself versus how many features are included within each individual model's specifications

We offer a unique x-ray baggage scanner system

We offer a unique x-ray baggage scanner system that can be used for screening in airports, train stations and other high risk areas. Our system is integrated with our conveyor belt system, which allows for the screening of luggage quickly and efficiently.

Our system uses dual energy x-ray imaging technology to detect metal objects within luggage. This means that you are able to scan your bags without having to individually check each piece of baggage. If a piece of luggage contains anything that exceeds the set maximum weight, we will notify you immediately so that you can take action.

This means that your security personnel can spend their time focusing on more important things like keeping people safe instead of wasting time checking every single piece of luggage manually!





Room 301, No.23, Machong Avenue, 
Machong Town, Dongguan City,
 Guangdong Province​​​​​​

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Dongguan Vking technology is a professional Large Scale manufacture of all types of Industrial metal detector, Security metal detector

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