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walk through metal detector with security alarm system

The walk-through metal detector (WMTD) is a portable device that detects the presence of ferrous metals. It consists of a rectangular frame with an antenna coil system and a transmitter/receiver unit that includes a transmitter, receiver and control unit.
  • VW-MSE

  • vikingdetector

  • 202303061616

Commen security walk-through metal detector 

The walk-through metal detector is the most common security device used at airports and other high-security facilities. The machine detects any metal on a person's body, including weapons, tools and other contraband.

The walk-through metal detector operates by sending out electromagnetic waves that pass through the body of a person as they walk through it. The waves are then reflected back by any metal items carried by the person, creating a signal that is detected by the machine.

Walk-through Metal Detector Alarm System

The Walk-through Metal Detector Alarm System (WDAS) uses this same basic principle to detect when someone attempts to enter an area with unauthorized weapons or other contraband. When someone passes through an area where there is no alarm system in place, there will be no signal sent back to the alarm system because no electromagnetic wave was sent out in order for it to be detected and sent back again. However, when someone passes through an area where there is an alarm system in place (such as a building), then there will be an alarm sent back to that area which triggers an alert for security personnel so they know someone has attempted entry without permission or authorization

Walk through metal detector with security alarm system

Walking through a metal detector is a pretty common experience in most places, but it can be intimidating. That's why we've made this guide to help you navigate the process as smoothly as possible.

First, when you approach the metal detector, you should always have your hands at your sides and palms facing forward. This allows security personnel to see that you're not holding anything dangerous and makes them more comfortable with letting you pass through.

Next, make sure your pockets are empty and that there's nothing in your hair or on your shoes. If there is something in your hair or on your shoes (like keys or jewelry), it might set off an alarm while you're walking through the metal detector—so make sure those things are out of sight!

Finally, stand still while the security personnel checks their equipment and listens for any alarms. If everything looks good, they'll wave you through!





Room 301, No.23, Machong Avenue, 
Machong Town, Dongguan City,
 Guangdong Province​​​​​​

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Dongguan Vking technology is a professional Large Scale manufacture of all types of Industrial metal detector, Security metal detector

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