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Security guards metal detector dfmd machine

Security guards metal detector dfmd machine

The Security Guards Metal Detector DFMD Machine is a high-quality security device that can be used to scan the body, handbag, vehicle and other objects for metal objects. It can effectively prevent the entry of dangerous weapons into places such as schools, stadiums, airports and other public places. The Security Guards Metal Detector DFMD Machine can be used in combination with other devices to achieve more comprehensive security screening and inspection.

The Touch screen door frame digital walk through body scanner is comprised of three main components: a touch screen display, a camera and a sensor plate. The system uses the camera to capture an image of the person standing in front of it, and then compares that image with the image stored on its memory card. If there's a match, an access card will be issued; if not, no card will be issued until further evaluation can be made by staff members at the location where this device has been installed.

Set the weight, volume, size and position of metal articles in advance, and eliminate false alarms such as keys, jewelry, belt buckle, etc.

It conforms to EMC electromagnetic radiation standard and adopts weak magnetic field technology, which is harmless to pacemaker wearer, pregnant woman, floppy disk, film, video tape, etc.
  • VW-C1

  • vikingdetector

  • 202303191938

Security guards metal detector dfmd machine

It is very important to monitor the activities in the workplace at night. Security guards are responsible for monitoring these activities and ensuring that no one enters or leaves without authorization. If a person tries to enter without authorization, they must be stopped immediately by the security team. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways in which we can stop these intruders and make sure that they do not enter our premises illegally.

security guards dfmd machine

Metal detectors are one of the most popular devices used by security guards to detect any unauthorized entry into a building or area. There are many types of metal detectors available in the market today, but they all have one thing in common: they find any metal object being carried by someone trying to enter an area where he/she is not allowed. They do this by sending out an electric current through the body of anyone carrying some kind of metal item on his/her body. The electricity produced by this machine causes any metal objects that may be hidden under clothes or even in shoes to become visible so that it can be confiscated immediately before it reaches its destination and causes trouble for others around him/her!

The DFMD is a metal detector that has been in development for over five years. The result of extensive research and development, the DFMD has been designed to be extremely sensitive to all metals and can pick up small pieces of metal concealed beneath clothing with ease. The DFMD also has the ability to detect non-ferrous metals such as stainless steel, which can be used for knives, guns and other weapons. The DFMD has been designed for use as a handheld device or in conjunction with a walk-through scanner.

The DFMD is ideal for use by security guards who need to screen people entering their premises or building without causing any discomfort or embarrassment to those being screened. The DFMD will detect even the smallest pieces of metal on clothing, so no one can get past your security screening undetected!





Room 301, No.23, Machong Avenue, 
Machong Town, Dongguan City,
 Guangdong Province​​​​​​

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Dongguan Vking technology is a professional Large Scale manufacture of all types of Industrial metal detector, Security metal detector

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